Last night at the Nashville Palace in Nashville Tennessee Mitch Emmons took the stage. It was a warm breezy night when the show at the Nashville Palace was about to begin. There were about 8 small groups of songwriters all talking quietly, a bit of stage nerves was apparent with some of the songwriters and determined faces on others were standing around mainly the rear of the large club.
The show opened with James Breedwell playing several well written original songs. Mitch came next and played three of his original songs that he has written over the past few years. Mitch was great, he sounded really good with his new Tyler guitar given to him by his lady Gloria. Mitch played and sang just like the old experienced player he is. The audio in this club is really good and clear. Talent like Mitch is rarely seen in the normal songwriters nights. Mitch got a good round of applause and was asked to play more later in the night. There were many songwritrs waiting in the wings to play. A great time was had by all.