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Saturday, July 24, 2010

New song on the Nashville Ear called Scarred Hands

I received a very touching song and story last week that I want to share with you.
Dear Sir,
I have a song that I wrote called Scarred Hands.
It is a true story about my mother who saved my sister from a fire when she was a new born
Her hands became scarred when she saved my sister
My mother was so ashame of her hands she always wore gloves to cover them so people wouldn't make fun of her..
When my sister was older and she told my mother about another person named Jesus who had Scarred Hands she never wore the gloves again.
Our pastor of our church has a studio which he makes mp3s to help support the church.
Three of the girls in the choir sang the song and the church band played the music for the song.It is a modern day country Gospel Song.Can you listen to this song and tell me if the song is worthy for your company.
This is my first song I have ever written.Everybody tells me this song has a lot of heart and can touch a lot of people.
Here is the mp3 of Scarred Hands.
Scarred Hands

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